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Nutrition: The Mind-Gut Connection

Course Date

Start: 12-04-2025 @ 9:00 am

End: 05-04-2025 @ 6:00 pm

Course Location

Golden Tulip Leiden Centre
Schipholweg 3
Zuid Holland
2316 XB

Course Description

Most health complaints are a consequence of the body’s incapacity to deal with a critical amount of STRESS.  There are 3 main sources of stressors we are exposed to:  physical, chemical, and emotional stress.  In this session we will explain the neurophysiological aspects of chemical balance of the body as this relates to diet.  What we eat and drink influences our metabolism, and therefore has a direct impact on our nervous system.   We will elaborate on the mind-gut connection and the effects of cortisol (stress hormone) levels in the body.   There will be a focus on anti-inflammatory foods and practical tips on how to adopt this in a healthy balanced diet.  Topics include:

  • Leaky gut syndrome and how to fix it
  • Blood-brain barrier and neuroautoimmunity
  • Importance of pH and the ‘stairway to health’
  • Foods our organs love!
  • Food sensitivity
  • Anti-inflammatory diet recommendations
  • Glucose vs. Ketones
  • Intermittent Fasting
  • Improving gut flora
  • Supplementation


Course Credits


Course Contact

If you are interested in taking this course, please contact the course provider.

Jeroen Postma