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01/18/2024 7 – 9 PM CT Webinar: Chiropractic CEU Online: Documentation & Risk Management 301

Course Date

Start: 18-01-2024 @

End: 18-01-2024 @

Course Location | Online
805 Austin Acres
Sulphur Springs
United States

Course Description

Online Course Format:  Live Webinar
Course Tuition:   $59.00
Credit Hours ( CE ):  2
Contributor:  Monte Horne, DC
Date & Time :
Start:  January 18, 2024  7:00 am
End:  January 18, 2024  9:00 am
* Central Time Zone
image of documentation on our chiropractic ceu online page

Course Description:

Don’t miss our upcoming chiropractic CEU online course on January 18, 2024, from 7:00 to 9:00 PM CT. Titled “Documentation and Risk Management 301,” this session features the expert insights of Instructor Monte Horne, DC.

photo of your instructor, Dr. Monte Horne
 Monte Horne, DC

In this chiropractic CEU online course, you’ll learn state-of-the-art documentation methods that allow you to effectively capture and quantify clinical data. This is a crucial aspect of modern healthcare, and it’s vital to know how to document from patient intake through to diagnosis, all while adhering to evidence-based care standards.

In addition to documentation, this course will also navigate you through vital risk management tactics, designed to protect both your practice and your patients. We’ll cover everything from proper staffing to protocols for patient care, ensuring you know how to identify and mitigate risks.



Course Outline:

  • 1 hour: Advanced Documentation Techniques
    • Intake through diagnosis documentation
    • Utilizing evidence-based care standards
    • Demonstrating medical necessity
  • 1 hour: Risk Management
    • Comprehensive staffing practices
    • Patient care protocols
    • Strategies for risk mitigation

Learning Objectives:

  1. Master documentation processes to efficiently record clinical data.
  2. Employ evidence-based care standards for superior patient care.
  3. Recognize and mitigate risk factors in a clinical environment.
  4. Implement risk management practices to fortify your healthcare practice.


Course Credits


Course Contact

If you are interested in taking this course, please contact the course provider.

Monte Horne, DC